Jenga Game- Grade 2 Unit 4 Numbers
Materials are given in the link above.
Students are divided into two groups . Jenga Tower is built and jenga question cards are placed around the tower according to their colors.
How to Play:
1- A
student from one group chooses a block to replace it and s/he takes a
flashcards which has the same color.
2- Looks at
the picture and says its name.
3- If s/he
knows the word, s/he replaces the block on the top of the tower and the group
gets one point.
4- Then a
student from the other group comes and does the same steps.
5- Game
continues until someone is not able to replace the block and makes the tower
6- If a
student cannot know the word, his/her turn passes and group does not get the
7- The
group who has made the tower fall loses 3 points.
8- Tower is built as much as they want to play. At the end, the group who has more points wins.
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